Photography Wiki

A focus free lens is a lens whose focal point is fixed at its hyperfocal distance. Rather than having a method of determining the correct focusing distance and setting the lens to that focal point, a focus free lens relies on depth of field to produce acceptably sharp images. Most cameras with focus free lenses also have a relatively small aperture which increases the depth of field. Cameras with these lenses generally use a viewfinder for composition.

Focus free lenses are used in the lowest-end and cheapest cameras; disposable cameras and low-end point and shoot cameras. They are usually wide angle with fixed aperture.

Pros and cons[]


  • Can be produced very inexpensively
  • No need to worry about focus
  • More predictable than automatic systems


  • Less sharp than a lens that has been set to the best focal point for a given scene
  • Unable to produce sharp images of objects close to the camera (within 8-12 feet)
  • Unsuitable for portraits, as they cannot fill the frame of an image with a person's face and render it sharp at the same time


  • This article contains information originally taken from the Wikipedia article "Focus_free_lens". You can see the authorship and revision history of that article here.